Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's All Greek To Me!

Good evening,

Sorry for the late post, I've been doing exciting things with Excel!

This afternoon, thanks to many hands making the work light (well, sorta - was to me, I was out doing testing!) the children have applied some paint to their shield designs.

Thanks ladies for your help

And then we had them don on their chitons.

Hasn't Fredrika done well?!

I've sent the calico ones home for you to dye - if you want to! Don't feel you have to, but if you want to, you can dye them in primary, or secondary, colours - but only one colour please. The Hoplights were generally rich, so could afford richer cloth (and armour), but no stripes please!

They'll be needed back at school on Monday.

As for tomorrow, well...ummm...if we have any budding artists amongst our parents...err...ahh...some of their designs need some additional dealing that is, quite frankly, beyond the children...probably.

Like, the unicorns need ears drawn on them so that we can identify which bulge of the design is an ear, and which is the horn. Some eyes might be nice too.

Likewise the hydra, and Galoop...


Mr Grant

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